And, guess what: That predefined format is accomplished using RDF. 想想看,这种预定义格式将使用RDF完成。
Internet news sites often make data available as Really Simple Syndication ( RSS) feeds& XML documents with a predefined format that news readers are set up to process. Internet新闻网站经常将数据提供为ReallySimpleSyndication(RSS)&具有新闻阅读软件可以处理的预定义格式的XML文档。
The idea is to present data that can clearly be identified by both software and human beings based on a predefined format. 其理念是基于一种预定义格式显示数据,这些数据可以被软件和人类明确识别。
The following table identifies the predefined numeric format names. 下表标识预定义数字格式的名称。
This is beneficial, especially when you need to communicate with an existing Web service or client that needs to communicate using a predefined message format. 这对用户很有帮助,特别是当用户需要与现有Web服务或客户端(它们需要使用预定义的消息格式进行通信)进行通信时更是如此。
Site users who have design permissions can create custom table formats and add them to the predefined table format list. 具有设计权限的网站用户可以创建自定义表格格式,并将它们添加到预定义的表格格式列表中。
A hybrid approach combining linguistic and statistical techniques is adopted. After a raw text corpus is linguistically analyzed, it is annotated according to predefined annotation format. 此框架使用一种基于语言及统计技术的混合模式,以预先定义的注释格式对经过语言分析的原始文本语料库进行注释。